Submit your entry below before
MAY 31, 2021
Step 01
Host an in-store event or display featuring the Avocados From Mexico brand. (Hint: Get inspired with in-store promotional ideas & themes included in your kit brochure.)
Step 02
Use at least 2 elements from the Avocado-A-Day Kit and tell us how you used them. (Or better yet, show us!)
Step 03
Provide proof of your in-store activation by taking a photo and/or providing digital copies of the nutrition resources created featuring Avocados From Mexico as a healthy snack option.
Step 04
Send your submission by MAY 31, 2021
Upload Your HEALTHY Avocado-A-Day
Tell us how you creatively promoted Avocado-A-Day to your customers! Include proof of performance, such as photos, copies of publications, screenshots of social posts, or other relevant material!
If you are unable to upload your image or are experiencing difficulty,
send your submission and images us by email here.
Please limit image size to 10mb per file.
Avocados From Mexico can help retailers introduce the nutritional benefits of avocados that shoppers will get excited about. Replacing saturated with unsaturated fats is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Most of the fat in avocados is unsaturated. In fact, one 50g serving has just 6g of fat, over 75% of which is considered good fat. That same serving also has only 80 calories with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, making avocados a healthy, nutrient dense choice.